How to check the score on the life?

Published by B. Light / Useful advice / Light services
3 Jun 2016.

What ways can you check the balance on the LIFE SIM card? How to check the balance of the account of another subscriber Life?

Function "Account Balance Check"

Balance check is one of the most basic ways to control the score on the LIFE SIM card. Using this feature, if necessary, instantly get information regarding the amount of money on the account and the number of bonus on an additional bonus account.

In order to make the appropriate request, you must dial on the phone *111# and execute the USSD command by clicking the "Call" button.

After a set of the corresponding query, a window will appear on the screen.

This service operates without limitation in time, free and even in the conditions of roaming of another operator, which personifies its availability and multifunctionality.

Checking a mobile account using the "SIM menu" function

The SIM menu is additional information and entertainment services that the content provider is capable of offering you, the card operator.

This menu has the necessary services, including the Balans account verification feature. After activation paid Servants "Balans", you will receive a notice on the number of money on the main and bonus account.

How to check how many money on the main account of the phone in Belarus?

The distribution of the LIFE mobile network took place on the territory of the CIS countries very quickly and in most cases on the territory of the countries from the operators has certain USSD codes for certain queries. On the territory of Belarus, another combination is executed on LIFE account

In order to check the account in Belarus, you need to dial the regional USSD command * 100 # on the phone, then you will request and the phone will receive the necessary information on the number of cash and bonuses.

Service "Balance Control" and the management of a monetary account of another Subscriber Life

The balance control service will ensure all the necessary information, subscribers who have entered into an agreement on the provision of information about changes within the SIM card. Thanks to this service, you can find out on your own on request how much money on the account at the subscriber and if necessary, replenish him an account. The service is relevant for parents who replenish the mobile account to their children, as well as for friends.

When the subscriber's account remains less five or one hryvnia, the phone of the paid subscriber comes an SMS notification that it is necessary to make a payment.

To activate the service, you must send the USSD command with the number specified in it, after which the number specified in the command will be identified as the customer's subscriber.

The Balance Control Service command is carried out using the query: *123*31*380xxxxxxxxxx#

The subscriber who wants to make a list of controlled subscribers must confirm the application by responding to the SMS message operator.

The service includes the ability to distribute control to five different subscribers, whose account controls will be engaged in some major. So you can systematize accounts and timely or if necessary to replenish them.

In order to conduct account verification operation that you control, you need to implement USSD combination * 123 * 32

In it, you will be information about who is under control or who you are controlled, as well as you can deactivate the service or delete extra rooms.

On corporate rates, the balance control service is not available.

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