How to check the balance on the megaphone: 6 simple ways

Published by B. Megaphone / MegaFon services
Jun 30, 2016.

From the article we will learn several ways to check the account balance, and always stay in touch.

For full use cellular communication, simply necessary, what would be on the account it was need quantity money, otherwise send sMSmessages, out in the Internet and do calls w. subscriber not will be.

Sure same, many operators provide some services, which available for null, or negative balance: eg, can send « beacon», or take advantage trust payment, but, list these services quite mal..

therefore important moment is an replenishment bills his phone, when this is necessary.

Knowing these teams, you always will be able to exclude unpleasant situation, such, as absence capabilities to do call, when is he highly important, in such situation only outputservice « Promised payment».


Balance of subscriber MegaFon

MegaFon on the today usually provided tariffs, by which subscribers ourselves maybe use packages gigabyte. traffic, sMS and minutes conversation per certain fixed amount, usually she is remove one time in month. FROM one parties, can seem, what for such conditions desire check balance arise not must, but this question and today remains popular.


Ways to get information about the balance

Below we consider self popular methods checks balance bills:

  • For aid sMS. Some subscribers love use exactly this method. On the number 000100 need to send empty sMS, in answer will come message in sum balance. Method this available always
  • For aid teams *100#. Enough news her and press on the call, after of this on the screen will appear necessary information


  • Call on the 0501. After call informant report Your balance
  • When necessary discover balance on the modeme MegaFon, for launch special programs for work modem, can see icon request balance

After pressing on the hERE literally through give me a sec will come message from information;


  • Yet one fashion checks balance is an private cabinet. IN personal cabinet, in addition to of this, provided weight opportunities, eg, connection and disconnection services, familiarization from news, change tarifa, so same can look, per what and when were translated d./from sO bills
  • Service « Alive balance» — essence her in tom, what on the phone always displayed balance. TO example, immediately after call can will be watch, as write off funds
    For capabilities tracking bills, connect «» SMSbalance. For of this need team *105*600#.

Video: How to check the balance on the megaphone?





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