How to connect roaming megaphone in Russia? Tariff plans for calls and Internet in roaming megaphone in Russia

Published by B. MegaFon services
19 Jul 2016.

Often go beyond the limits of the area and want the connection to be profitable? MegaFon has developed several services and tariffs specifically for you.

Today it is difficult to imagine yourself in ordinary life without a phone, and even more so during the journey. Therefore, it is always very important for us to be in touch. Especially for such cases, MegaFon provides various opportunities for communication, which are introduced specifically for roaming within the country. How to connect MegaFon services for roaming in Russia?

For moving inside the country, you will be useful to connect one of the following services.

"Fell yourself like at your own home"


This service makes it possible to communicate for the usual fee during departure from the area. Adding will cost you 30 rubles, and payment will be 15 rubles daily.

  • To add a service to those used Enter USSD command *570*1# Or write SMS with any text on the number 05001030
  • You can disable the service with a command *570*2*1#

"All Russia"

Thanks to this service for all incoming calls within the country, the fee will not be charged, and the price of one message is reduced to three rubles. If you connect for the first time, it will not be written off with you, and in the next time you will be charged 30 rubles. Payment is 7 rubles per day.

  • To connect the service Enter the request from the phone *548*1# or email an example with any text on 0500975
  • If you need to remove dial *548*0#

"Travel without worries"


This service is more suitable for those who are actively communicating. Within the framework of the Options, the following tariffing is valid:

  • Calls to the Moscow numbers of the megaphone - free and without restrictions
  • Free incoming calls
  • In Russia, half an hour of free communication is provided for a day, after the end, 3 rubles are written off
  • 30 free posts per day, and then - 3.90 rubles

There is a similar set of options 39 rubles for every day of use, which for especially talkative is a very profitable offer. When you first connect the board will not be written off, and in the next - 30 rubles.

  • To connect to enter USSD command *186*1# Or write a message at 0500991
  • Disconnection is carried out by sending a request. *186*0# or message with word Stop. on the 0500991

"Everywhere Moscow - Central Region"

This service reduces the cost of calls when traveling to the central region to the prices of your area. The list of regions to which the service applies can be found on the official operator portal. For the connection with you spikes 30 rubles, and the fee per day will be 3 rubles.

  • The service is connected by sending a message to the room. 000105167 or USSD command *105*167#
  • To delete the Use request option *105*167*0#



Unfortunately, all of the above options do not work in the Crimea and Sevastopol. If you go on these regions, then the service "Crimea" will help you. It reduces the price of incoming calls to free, and the outgoing will cost only 5 rubles per minute. One message will cost three rubles, and regardless of the place of receipt. Payment per day is 6 rubles, and adding worth 30 rubles.

  • To add an option Dial from the keyboard *105*1037*1# Or write SMS with any text or without it on the number 05001037
  • You can turn off using the command *105*1037*2#

"Internet in Russia"

This service is intended for users of the following services: "Unlimited Internet for phone" and "Internet XS". It allows you to use the Internet within the existing traffic throughout the country. The price of the option depends on the supplementary services used and is 5 or 10 rubles per day. For the first connection you will not pay anything, but for the second or the following with you automatically spikes the fee of 30 rubles. More accurate information about the cost check directly from the operator.

  • To add to add request *574*1# Or write a message to the number 0500942. Text can be any
  • You can turn off using the query *574*0#

"Gigabyte on the road"


The name speaks for itself. Clients are provided with one gigabyte of the Internet for 300 rubles without any restrictions.

  • To add, send a USSD command *105*730# Or write an example to the number 000105730
  • Use the request to turn off *105*730*0#

If the subscriber is located on a remote territory or the Far Eastern region, as well as the Crimea and Sevastopol, then all these services will not work. In addition to the above methods, all options can be added using a personal account.

Round tariffs in the country


When reluctance, use some individual travel services, just change the current tariff. For this you will find the following plans.

"All inclusive M"

The tariff provides 400 minutes to the rooms within the region and throughout the country, 400 messages to the numbers within the region and 5 GB of traffic. All of this you get for 700 rubles per month.

You can go to the tariff using the USSD command *105*0034# or a call to the number 0500934.

"All inclusive L"

800 minutes are provided, 800 messages and 8 GB of traffic. It is worth the use of 1300 rubles per month.

Addition is made by request *105*0400# or call by number 0500940.

"All inclusive VIP"

This is the largest tariff. Here you will receive 2500 minutes for calls to all subscribers, 2500 sms and 10GB of the Internet. It's all you will get for 2,700 rubles per month.

To connect, type the request *105*324#.

To work with the company's options and tariff plans, it was much more convenient, use the private account. It allows you to see a complete list of available options, as well as add and delete them.

Video: Options for travel "All Russia" and "The whole world"

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