How to transfer from the Life on MTS, Kyivstar Money?

Published by B. Light / Light services
15 Sep 2016.

An article about the capabilities of the operator Life to translate funds to the balance of another room and about the options for transferring funds from Kyivstar to the numbers of other operators.

There are such circumstances in life when it is necessary to urgently help close, financially. For example, to replenish the phone account of the elderly parents living in another city or put funds on the balance of the child who is in the camp. For this, the Life operator came up with the transfer service from one operator number to another.


Child's account - schoolchildren is replenished with the help of the transfer service

Unfortunately, to transfer money from Life on the phones of MTS operators, Kyivstar, is impossible. This service is under development. In the future, such an opportunity can be.

However, according to the latest data of the current 2016, more precisely since the end of March 2016, the Kyivstar operator provided a service called "Mobile Money".

With this service, you can replenish the balance of the subscriber of Kyivstar himself, MTS - Ukraine, Life.


Transferring money to another operator with the help of Kyivstar


It is with this service that the balance of the phone of another operator (Life, MTS) can be replenished. The main criterion for the execution of the service is the number of the phone number in the International Standard: 380aaaaaa Where AAAAAA - phone number.

Therefore, we will tell about the cost of the service and the procedure for transferring money to the number of another operator with Kyivstar

Rates "Mobile Money" services Kyivstar

  • one translation of finance - 3.5 hryvnia, with the amount of translation less than 35 hryvnia
  • one translation, with the amount above 35 hryvnia - 10% of the translated amount
  • maximum replenishment amount - 200 hryvnia

Transfer options with Kyivstar on MTS, Life

  • we send the code: * 448 * Log of translation * 380 (number that should be replenished)
  • replenishment via the website "Kyivstar - Money" on the Operator's website, introducing amount data, the phone number to which is required to translate finances

Kyivstar, pioneer for this service. We have no doubt that in the future, other operators will also support this service.

During the translation, finances come to the main account of the recipient, they work like replenishment of the balance.

In this article, we want to remind the procedure for transferring money within the Life operator.

Service "Balance Translation" Life on Life Phones

Service features:

  • translation of the amount within 500 hryvnia
  • sending a message - Request requesting funds
  • translation cost - only 1 hryvnia

Transfers for the balance of another number using Life

Cons of service:

  • using the translated amount within its "bonus account", within its tariff mesh, within 15 days, not more
  • limit transfer amount

How to send a message - request?

  • we type text - SOS (SOS) then 380 (Message Recipient Number)
  • sending text for free
  • number of posts per day - up to 3 pcs

Money transfer options with Life to another number

In this case, the following translation options are used:

  • we gain code * 111 * 380 (telephone where to translate) (transfer amount) #, Call
  • we make a call to the room *124#, choose the option "Balance", specify the number to which you need to send money translated the amount

We remind you the cost of translation of only 1 hryvnia.

Background information regarding the transfer of funds

  • free Help with Life Mobile Devices - Number 5433
  • free certificate from city PBX phones -

0 800 20 54 33

Good translations!

Video: Mobile money from Kyivstar

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