How to send a beacon with MTS? How to send a beacon with MTS on the tele2 with a request to call back?

The article describes how to send a beacon with MTS, Bilain, MegaFon and Tele2.

We send a beacon with MTS


How to send a beacon with MTS? How to send a beacon with MTS on the tele2 with a request to call back?

If you use the services of a mobile operator " MTS"Your balance has dropped to zero on the phone, and you certainly need a call, then take advantage of sending a free beacon. With this service, you can tell your potential interlocutor to call you or replenished your account.

The ability to send beacons with a request to call back is provided to all operator subscribers. " MTS"And for this it is necessary to make the following actions:

  • Dial USSD request - * 110 * "Number of a potential interlocutor" # call. The number of the potential interlocutor should consist of ten digits.

Next, the system will send a notification to the subscriber you need, in which your phone number will be specified and request to call you back. It is unlikely that our time will have people who would not understand in this case that you have no money in the account.

Send beacons with " MTS"As already mentioned, you can completely free, the service is provided to everyone without exception to subscribers of the company, and it does not require activation on the phone (the service is already connected by default). The only drawback here can be called some limits - send beacons with " MTS»You can only 5 times a day.

Sending a message to replenish your account is possible using the following command:

  • Dial USSD request - * 116 * "Number of a potential interlocutor" # Challenge

This command allows you to send a beacon with " MTS»On the numbers of cellular operators:" MTS», « Beeline», « Megaphonebut". To send a beacon to " Tele 2»Only the team has already mentioned above - * 110 * "Number of a potential interlocutor" # Challenge.

We send a beacon from MegaFon


How to send a beacon with MTS? How to send a beacon with MTS on the tele2 with a request to call back?

In case of " MegaFon»We are given such a service as" Call me" She is also called a beacon. She, like the beacon from " MTS", I am completely free to send a notice to a person you need asking you to call you.

For this you need:

  • Dial USSD request - * 144 * "Number of a potential interlocutor" # Challengewhere the number of a potential interlocutor should consist of ten digits.

Such beacons on " MegaFonYou can send 10 times a day.

There is another option - ask the subscriber to replenish your account. This follows:

  • Dial USSD request - * 143 * "Number of a potential interlocutor" # Challenge

After that, another subscriber will again receive a notification asking for helping your balance. The number of similar requests is 5 times a day.

We send a beacon from Bilain


How to send a beacon with MTS? How to send a beacon with MTS on the tele2 with a request to call back?

At customers " Biline»There is also an opportunity to send beacons to other subscribers with a request to call due to the lack of money in the account. You can send beacons to the numbers of various mobile operators in Russia: " Biline», « Tele 2», « MegaFon», « MTS"And others.

Such a service from " Biline»It is provided to each client for free and default. You can use the beacons in the home region, and when it is in roaming. True, it is worth noting that in the case of roaming on the account, it will still be necessary to have funds sufficient to accept the incoming challenge.

You can send a beacon from Bilain as follows:

  • Dial USSD request - * 144 * "Number of a potential interlocutor" # Challengewhere the number of a potential interlocutor can be sent in any format: (962) 1234567, 7 (962) 1234567, +7 (962) 1234567, 8 (962) 1234567.

After that, your subscriber will receive a request notice to call back, you will also receive an SMS to the phone with a message about the acceptance of your beacon.

It is noteworthy that the commands for sending beacons on " Bilyine"And" MegaFon»We are identical to each other, so the subscribers using these two operators can simply remember one combination of buttons. On the " Bilyine"It is possible to send ten beacons per day.

In addition, it is possible to carry out calls at the expense of other subscribers who you urgently need to call. This follows:

  • Score 05050 "Number of a potential interlocutor" Call

Please note that here you do not need to type additional characters (" *», « #"). Such a beacon can only be sent to persons who use Beeline mobile communications. The number of the potential interlocutor is recruited in ten-digit format. For example, for a call to 89621234567 you need to dial - 050509621234567. The service is available five times in 24 hours.

We send a beacon with "Tele2"


How to send a beacon with MTS? How to send a beacon with MTS on the tele2 with a request to call back?

Mobile operator " Tele 2"Does not lag behind your competitors and offers its subscribers to also send beacons to call back.

For this you need:

  • Dial USSD request - * 118 * »Number of a potential interlocutor" # Challengewhere the number of a potential interlocutor is gained in an adventurous format, otherwise the service will not work.

The called subscriber will receive a notification. You can send such beacons for free up to 50 pieces per month. You will be on the phone every time you will come sms with information, how many more days you have left. If you exceed the limit, then each next beacon will cost 50 kopecks.

Video: How to send a beacon with MTS?

Video: How to send a beacon from megaphone?

Video: How to send a beacon on biline?

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