How to disconnect the content on the megaphone - the service "Stop content". How to connect "Stop content" on a megaphone?

Published by B. Megaphone / MegaFon services
July 22, 2016.

The article describes the "Stop Content" service from MegaFon, how to connect, disable.

Many mobile phone owners enjoying cellular services from " MegaFon"Often suffer from incoming mailings, random sending pay requests or outgoing calls to paid short rooms and so on.

And it happens and fraudsters distribute lime information, inclined to send SMS messages, which unknown for the subscriber sign its number to paid subscriptions.

To solve this problem, the mobile operator " Megaphone"Offers the option" Stop content"Prohibiting content and the ability to spend money for extra paid services.

In this article, let's talk about the service " Stop content"From" MegaFon»More details.

"STOP-CONTENT" from MegaFon

Service "Stop content" from the cellular operator MegaFon

You are tormented by the question of how to get rid of unnecessary costs because of the accidentally received paid services? Maybe your children unconsciously activate subscriptions from dubious sources? Your elderly parents were cheating by fraudsters, sending SMS messages of the form "Mom, the money came ..."?

In this case, you can recommend all subscribers a special service from " MegaFon» — « Stop content" In order to understand how the service works should, in what potential cases, cash can be written off from the personal account.

If you decompose all such cases on points, then you can withdraw three main:

  • Connecting to the number of voice services charged money
  • Sending USSD requests requiring a subscription fee
  • Sending paid SMS messages

The given list of actions is quite enough so that with their commitment from the balance sheet of the personal account, hundreds of rubles were written off. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that subscribers of minors often use the content of adults. To prevent this, it is necessary to block any access to the numbers charged by the subscription fee.

The principle of operation " Stop content"In that matter, this service blocks access to those numbers that can potentially write off the funds from the account through the connection to the paid subscriptions and so on. Activating " Stop content"On your number, you can no longer be able to call or send SMS to the agreed numbers, and you will not have access to paid USSD requests. This is a guaranteed ability to protect yourself from unnecessary and even huge costs.

But you should not think prematurely that the service " Stop content»Blocks access even to those numbers that can be useful to us. The plus of this option is its ability to block the numbers selectively. Rooms related directly to " MegaFon", Excluded from the list of automatic lock.

That is, subscribers activating the option " Stop content"Will be able to freely make free challenges to the service numbers" MegaFon"And send SMS commands activating or deactivating any subscriptions and services. No blockages such numbers like 0770 (To work with the option " Replace the beep.»), 5052, 5051.

How to activate the "Stop content" service from the Mobile Operator MegaFon?

If you wish to save yourself or your relatives from possible expenses due to imposed pay content, you can use the service " Stop content" It is necessary to take the following action:

  • Dial USSD request * 105 * 801 # call

In response, SMS should be received that your service is activated.

Attention: service " Stop content»It can be activated and operated only in its region. In other regions of the Russian Federation or in roaming, the option does not work.

How to deactivate?

How to deactivate stop content?

If you wish to deactivate the service " Stop content", Then you should choose one of the commands:

  1. Dial USSD request * 526 * 0 # Challenge
  2. Call by number 0500 (support)

In response, SMS is alert for deactivation of the service.

Video: How to get rid of SMS Spam MTS, Beeline, MegaFon

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