How to disable the Internet on bill on the phone?

Published by B. Beeline / Beeline services
2 Oct 2016.

The article describes how to disable the Internet at Bilayne.

Distribution of mobile Internet gave the opportunity to subscribers " Biline»Connect a worldwide network to any time convenient for them. But often many Internet-related services require one or another subscription fee, which is far from all.

If the Internet walk really brings more costs than any definite benefit, then mobile Internet on " Bilyine»You can deactivate up to a better time. Talk about it more.


How to disable the Internet on bill on the phone?

How to deactivate unlimited internet from Bilain?

If you still used unlimited Internet from " Biline"You need to figure out exactly what kind of service you used. If you can not just remember, then here you should resort to the help of an employee of the mobile operator " Beeline", With which you can contact on this issue.

To do this, call the number 0611 And wait for the consultant's response. You can also find out your website on the Internet in the "Personal Account" on the site " Biline».

As far as can be judged, quite often subscribers " Biline»Connect on your gadgets service from the line" Highway.", as well as " Internet for day" These services belong to the unlimited Internet with limits by the number of high-speed traffic.

After you manage to contact the consultant " Biline"Or visit" Personal Account ", remember which Internet you have connected and then follow the instructions on the disconnection of this tariff.

Each tariff can be deactivated using USSD requests and " Personal Cabinet" The second option is most convenient and simple, because in this review below we will look at the first method.

How to deactivate your mobile Internet from Bilain?

If you come to the Internet without activated paid services, you still have not small money for traffic.

To protect yourself from random exits to the worldwide network, you need to deactivate such a service as " Internet access and MMS" For this:

  • Dial USSD request - * 110 * 180 # Call

But this method has cons. You, of course, go to the Internet, you can block the guaranteed, but in parallel with it you will deprive yourself and the function of sending and receiving MMS.

Therefore, the best option is to disable Internet access in your phone settings. How to do, you can learn in the instructions for the phone, or on the manufacturer's website.


How to disable the Internet on bill on the phone?

How to deactivate Mobile Internet "Highway" from Bilain?

As we have said, very often subscribers are connected to the line " Highway.»To get access to a worldwide network on" Bilyine" If you are from their number, then read the instructions:

  • Deactivation of services " Highway 1 GB"With a monthly subscription fee - to dial USSD request - * 115 * 040 # Challenge
  • Deactivation of services " Highway 1 GB»With a daily subscription fee - to dial USSD request - * 115 * 030 # Call
  • Deactivation of services " Highway 4 GB»Included with TV - Dial USSD request - * 115 * 060 # Call
  • Deactivation of services " Highway 4 GB"- dial USSD request - * 115 * 050 # Call
  • Deactivation of services " Highway 8 GB"- dial USSD request - * 115 * 070 # Challenge
  • Deactivation of services " Highway 12 GB"- dial USSD request - * 115 * 080 # Challenge
  • Deactivation of services " Highway 20 GB"- dial USSD request - * 115 * 090 # Challenge

Deactivation of any service from the line " Highway."- call on 0674117410 And then follow the voice instructions.

How to deactivate "Internet for the day" from "Bilan"?

If you previously connected a service " Internet for day"From" Biline", Then follow the following instructions:

  • « Internet for day»With traffic 100 MB - dial USSD request * 115 * 010 # callor make a call to 0674071700
  • « Internet for day»With traffic 500 MB - dial USSD request * 115 * 020 # Challengeor make a call to 0674717010

Video: How to disable the Internet on the phone?

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