How to cut a sim card under micro? Micro SIM card with your own hands: template

In this article you will learn how to make microsimics symart at home.

Surely many owners of old mobile phones, after switching to a modern smartphone, problems have arisen in which insert the same SIM card cannot be possible, since the SIM card slot in new modern smartphones has the form of Microsim.

Therefore, such owners had to go through various shops, including the service center and repair of such devices, as a result, if they are lucky, they will receive a cropped microsim card.

But why so complicate everything, if you can make it possible to dismantle the extra parts of the plastics, and accordingly, and choose the form of microsim cards.

So, as you understood today, we will talk about how to convert SIM card in Microsim at home.


It is worth notingthat this problem occurs mainly in new owners of cellular smartphones, such as Apple iPhone and iPad, etc.

What is the difference between SIM card from Microsim?

First of all, the differences between them settle in size. At the same time, as clear from the name, Microsim has more compact and smaller sizes than SIM card.

So, if we give a visual example, the result is such, Microsim has dimensions of 12 × 15 mm.

What will you need to turn from the SIM card in Microsim?

In order for this procedure to be succeeded successfully, and did not have a negative last, you need to have:

  • A sharp knife, it is advisable to pre-hold it
  • Scissors
  • Pure White Paper Sheet, A4 Format (Svetocopy, Snow Maiden)
  • 10 cm long line
  • Adhesive Scotch
  • Pencil or handle with thin edge
  • Your SIM card

Well, in order to trim your SIM card, and turn it into Microsim, you need to use a similar template:


How to cut microsim card from SIM card?

So, as mentioned earlier, you will need a clean white sheet of paper on which the template will be printed.

  • After you printed the desired template, you need to put your SIM card on this sheet so that all contours and lines are identical to the outline of the future microsim card.
  • Now you need using a sharp pencil or handle to make the stroke of your SIM card, and it is necessary to do it in such a way that the stroke circuit is visible on the other side of the paper.
  • If you did everything from you required, you will get the following.



  • Then you need to flip the paper sheet to see how the contour from our SIM card was formed, and then you need to glue it with a sticky tape.



  • Now turn the paper sheet again, but do it carefully so that your SIM card is shorted from your place.
  • Then you need with great care and accurately spend, again using a ruler, a knife along the contour of the Microsim card, which is on our template.
  • Tip! It is better to spend once with a knife, but do this conscience, and with a special effort.
  • After that, you must get the following.



  • Then, when everything was done successfully, you just need to spare your SIM card from paper, and then cut off the unnecessary plastics, which accompanies our present Microsim card.


  • Ready! As a result, you should get this Microsim card.


Here are such simple ways, you can trim your SIM card to turn it into Microsim.

Video: How to make microsimki out?

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