How to set up the Internet on the phone on megaphone? How to get internet settings MegaFon on android phone?

Published by B. Megaphone / MegaFon services
25 Jul 2016.

The article describes how to configure the Internet from MegaFon on the phones and OS "Android".

Mobile phones connected to " MegaFon"Must have all the necessary settings to work on the network of this cellular operator, including the Internet settings.

Incorrect settings lead to a bad connection with the Internet, or to the lack of access to it. This applies both to the phones of old models and to new platform devices. Android.

True, modern smartphones and other gadgets are able to automatically be configured to work with mobile operators immediately after installing SIM cards on them.


How to set up the Internet from MegaFon on the usual mobile phone?

Company " Megaphone", As you know, makes it possible to go to the worldwide network from the mobile phone. For people leading an active lifestyle and spending most of the time outside the house, this is a very advantageous offer. In many models of mobile phones, there are support for automatic Internet settings from " MegaFon»:

  • Send SMS with the text " 1"(Without quotes) on 5049 (is free)
  • Call on 0500 (Subscription service, free)
  • Configure in the Mobile Phone menu

In the first case In response, SMS should be received with all the necessary settings for the Internet. They will need to save and activate.

In the second case Reply consultant from " MegaFon"And according to your requests (you need to specify the model of your phone, etc.) will send to your number again SMS with the settings.

It is impossible to deny that not all models of phones support automatic settings from " MegaFon", because in the third case You need to configure the Internet directly in the phone menu. For this you need:

  1. Go to " Profiles»
  2. Next click on " Communication»
  3. Choose " Internet Mobile Parameters»
  4. Click on the " Internet profiles»
  5. Choose " MegaFon-Internet»
  6. Reload the phone

At the end of the execution of all these actions, you can log in

How to set up the Internet from " MegaFon»On a gadget with support Android?


Many new smartphones are operating by default on the operating system. Android. In this case, configure the Internet from " MegaFon"It is necessary according to the following instructions:

  • Go to " Settings»
  • Choose " Wireless connections»
  • Click on the " Mobile network»
  • Select item " Access points APN.»
  • Next click on " New access point»
  • Enter in fields: username - gDATA.; access point - internet; password - gDATA.
  • Leave all the default options
  • Log in to " Menu"And click on" Save»
  • Go to " Data transfer"And mark the Created Access Point
  • Reload the gadget and go online

Now you can safely buy any gadget and connect the worldwide network. How to set up a gadget on the platform iOS. Or through a computer (with access to the Internet) you can learn from other articles on the Internet.

Video: Setup services on the site (7/18)

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