How to check the balance on bill? How to learn another subscriber's balance?

Published by B. Beeline / Useful advice / Beeline services
July 17, 2016.

The main nightmare of any subscriber: "In your account there is not enough funds." Often it happens exactly when to make a call is vital. How to learn to track the status of a mobile account on time and not fall into such trouble?

How to check the balance on billine if you have a prepay calculation system?

Most of us use the prepaid method of calculating with biline: calls from the phone are possible only when there are money on the account. If you are connected to such a system of calculations, you can check on billine balances in the following ways:

  • Type keyboard shortcut keys * 102 # and "Call" - You will immediately see the amount of the residue in rubles on the display of your mobile phone.
  • Make a call to a special number 0697 And follow the tips of the answering machine Beeline to find out the status of your balance

How to check the balance on bill

  • Connect a special ticket Beeline "Balance on the screen", to do this, dial the key combination * 110 * 901 # and "Call"and then you will always see the account balance on your phone screen

Attention! The service "Balance on the screen" from Beeline paid, cost - 1 ruble per day. This service is not supported on some phone models.

  • On the official website of Beeline in the section "Personal Area" On the right, the special window is displayed on the screen, which indicates the status of your balance at the moment.
    If you use a smartphone, locate the Beeline menu icon on the phone screen (such an icon automatically appears on any machine as soon as you insert the Beeline SIM card into it). Through the Beeline icon, go to the menu, then select item "My Beeline", then "My Balance" - The amount of money remains on the Beeline account will high on the phone screen

Attention! The specified ways to check the balance status on Beeline are suitable and if you use a SIM card to work in the tablet.

How to check the balance on bill

How to check the balance on biline if you have a post-payment system?

A postpositive Beeline calculation system is such a way to pay for services at which the account for payment is set to the Subscriber once a month. You use Beeline Services without restrictions, if within the set time, make payment for the invoice.

To check the sum of your current Beeline debt, use one of the following ways:

  • Dial the key combination on the phone * 110 * 45 # and "Call"and you will see the amount of debt on the phone screen
  • If you need more detailed information, dial * 110 * 321 # and "Call", then together with the information about the rest on the account you will receive information about the latest payments and write-offs
  • Call the room 0611 and with the help of the call center operator, connect the special service Beeline "SMS-Informing about the state of balance", then with a certain frequency you will receive messages from Beeline about the current state of your mobile account

How to check the balance on bill

How to check the balance on billine if you use a USB modem?

To check the status of your account on USB Modem Beeline, run a special program "USB modem Beeline"which automatically starts when you insert the device into a tablet or laptop. In this program you need to select the menu item "Account Management" And further "Balance".

How to check the balance on another phone on the bilene?

If your family is responsible for timely replenishment of the balance on Beeline not only your phone, but also other family members, you need to learn how to check the balance of the Beeline account on other phones.

  • To check the balance of another Beeline subscriber, you must first confirm that it agrees to provide you with such information. To do this, dial the key combination on your phone. * 131 * 5 * "number of another subscriber" # and then "call". After the consent is received, you can check the balance of your relative at any time on the biline - type * 131 * 6 * "number of another subscriber" # and then "call"

How to check the balance on bill

  • If you want another subscriber to control and timely replenish your mobile account Beeline, you need to confirm your consent to the access of another person to your personal information on Beeline. Dial the key combination on the phone * 131 * 1 * "number of another subscriber" # and "Call". So you tell the Beeline that allow this subscriber to access your account
  • If you are a client of another mobile operator, but you have a need to receive information about the state of one of the Bilayna subscribers, type on your phone sequentially * 131 * 1 * "Client number" # and "Call" - Thus, you request permission to access the Beeline client information. As soon as the Beeline subscriber confirms its consent, you can check the balance of the standard key combination * 131 * 6 * "number of another subscriber" # and then "call"

How to find out on biline, who from other subscribers has access to information about your balance?

If you do not remember who from the subscribers you have provided the right to see the status of your bill on Beeline, dial the phone sequentially * 131 * 9 * # "Call". You will receive a message with the numbers of phone numbers that are approved access to information about the status of your bill on bill.

How to check the balance on bill

How to biline to disable other subscribers to information about your balance?

  • To prohibit someone from familiar to learn the balance on your Beeline account, dial the key combination on your phone * 131 * 0 * "The number of this client" # and "Call"
  • If you want the ban spread to all subscribers, type on the phone *131*0*#

How much is the service for checking the balance status on biline?

  • Information on the status of your account Beeline provides for free, no matter how the way you did not request it
  • Information about the status of another subscriber of Beeline paid, and is 5 rubles for connecting each number. The amount is written off the one-time at the time when you request from Bilain permission to access the data on someone else's balance

Important! When the group set, the subscriber number is always indicated without spaces, dash and first digit "8". For example, if you want to get information about the balance by number 8- (903) -123-45-67, then the "phone number" you dial as "9031234567".

If you have additional questions about connecting / disable or using the Balance Checking Service on Bilene, call the 06409 and receive advice from the Beeline Call Operator.

Video: how to find out the balance on biline?

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