How to buy a beautiful MTS number: the choice and cost of the room, change

Published by B. MTS / MTS services
20 Jul 2016.

MTS company is one of the well-known telecom operators in Russia and the CIS countries. Having more than a million subscribers, the network continues to actively develop and offers modern services aimed at promoting and increasing the social status of the client.

What should I buy a beautiful number?

Communication in modern society is difficult to imagine without a phone. Maintain communication with business partners, new or old friends, conveniently simply by typing the number familiar number.
What would get more chances for successful business doing, you need to have an individual style, a company logo, memorable contact details.
Imagine the situation when a potential client, going to make a purchase or order a service, goes through the telephone numbers in memory. The better the number is remembered, the faster the person will call him, so a beautiful room can become an original symbol of the company in the ocean of business.
Another example, when for some reason it is not possible to record your phone number to a friend / friend / friend. Having a beautiful room with repeating numbers about such a problem can not be worried, it will be easily remembered.


Selection options

Depending on the status and needs there are several types of beautiful phone numbers. All types can be purchased in the format of direct (urban) or federal number.

  • Gold, Contains two - four equivalent numbers that are easily remembered. Suitable for all types of communication
  • PlatinumThis makes it possible to get 5 single digits. Do not replace in business. Companies and people who wish to designate their privileged status will be useful to acquire such a number.

Infinity and Top Infinity - The most expensive and recognizable number, where 6-7 identical numbers are present. Such a number for wealthy owners who want to emphasize their high status.


The cheapest rooms are 1 ruble, and then the price tag increases to 10,000 for the format direct numbers 100-0-0. Price tags for federal and urban beautiful rooms range in each region from 99 to 24999 rubles. The more convenient the dimensions are located, the more expensive beautiful room. Offers and prices in the regions may vary. The choice of the individual number of the federal format in a small settlement may require no more than 200 rubles.

Golden numberscontaining two, three or four equal to the values \u200b\u200bof the digit, you can choose on the site mts.. The price depends on the number of identical numbers in a large or smaller side. Rate SMART + or SMART Provides free Golden number, federal format marked by a special icon.
Rooms from the line " Platinum»You can get free of charge by connecting to the tariff Ultra With a complete set of services.
To buy a beautiful and individual number of the option Infinity and Top Infinity Call 0990 for VIP customers, at any time.

The selected combination of numbers becomes affordable after payment of the cost of the number and connecting the unlimited tariff available to the subscriber region.

Important: For the convenience of customers who decided to change their usual phone number on the beautiful, there is a convenient service "My new number", subject to the preservation of an old not blocked SIM card, with a positive balance. The service is connected for free. All trying to reach the old one, will tell you a new number, in the form of voice or SMS messages. The service is convenient adjustable.


Actions for changing phone number on beautiful

Dick from your phone:

  • 0890 - If the subscriber number is registered in MTS; 8-800-250-0890 - for other telecom operators and urban numbers
  • Prepare a passport and encoded word (if any)
  • Tell the operator that you want to change the number. Suitable the necessary data

Come to the nearest MTS salon with a passport. Consultants will help choose a room and tell about prices. If you cannot contact personally, make up a trust document certified by a notary, and ask a friend or relative to visit the MTS sales office.

Change the phone number to desirable through the form of appeals on the site mts. :

  • select the topic of circulation, in this case Mobile communication
  • mark the type of problem, you need to select the point to send an application
  • in the open form, fill out all the fields, attach a filled Application blankstatement

Important: Replace the existing federal number on a direct or vice versa, it is possible only when contacting the MTS communication salon. In this case, it may be necessary to change the tariff.

For all subscribers who have chosen a beautiful number, there is the possibility of adding a few more, or shifts to a more convenient option. Taking care of the company's image or personality, do not forget about the stylish and memorable phone number, on the numbers of which you can determine the status of a company or a person at a distance.

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