How to buy a beautiful Beeline number: the choice and cost of the room, change

Published by B. Beeline / Beeline services
July 18, 2016.

Few people remember by heart more than two or three mobile numbers. Usually you unmistakably know your own number, and maybe two or three rooms of your closest people. If you want the number of your phone to be easily remembered by customers and relatives, buy a beautiful Beeline number.

What is the beautiful Beeline number?

Beautiful Beeline number is an easily memorable combination of numbers. The usual number of mobile phones consist of 10 digits - not so easy to keep them in your head. But some rooms are memorable automatically, without the slightest voltage, they are called "beautiful beeline numbers".

Beautiful Beeline number is especially important for entrepreneurs and people who often and in contact with customers. First, such a number looks much more presentable than a random set of numbers. Secondly, your room can be a competitive advantage if the client remembers it without effort.

How to buy a beautiful beeline number

How to buy a beautiful Beeline number?

If you decide to become the owner of the beautiful Beeline number, you can change the number of your current SIM card or purchase a new one with a ready-made beautiful number. There are several ways for this.

Buy Beautiful Room on Beeline

Go to the website, select the item in the main menu. "Private persons", Further "Products""Mobile connection""Services""Telephone number""Number to choose from"
On the page you will find the Beeline Tools to select the parameters of the beautiful room, the cost will be indicated there. What options are possible:

  • Choosing a random number - Beeline will offer you casual beautiful numbers to choose from
  • Group of numbers - You yourself will introduce a sequence of numbers that you can easily remember
  • Word - Come up with the code word, Beeline encrypts it in the form of a convenient sequence of numbers
  • Similar room - Enter the number you remember well, and Beeline will select you the most similar number
  • Constructor - Specify every number of your number on your own
  • date - Enter the date memorable to you, Beeline will offer numbers that contain date digits

How to buy a beautiful beeline number

Buy Beautiful Number in the Beeline office

You can buy a beautiful room in any of the Beeline offices. For the purchase of a purchase will require a passport. At your request, an office employee Beeline will select you the desired number, the selection service is free, the cost of the new number depends on the combination of numbers.

Buy Beautiful Room with Call Center Operator

Call the number 0611, the Beeline Call operator will offer you the choice of beautiful rooms in stock. When contacting you, you may be asked to report passport data or code word.
Important! When buying a beautiful Beeline number through a call center operator, the choice of numbers does not appear. You can choose only ready-made options.

How much is the beautiful Beeline number?

Beautiful Beeline number is provided only for money. The cost depends on how simple and the memorable number you have chosen. On average, prices range from 500 to 20,000 rubles, but may be higher.

The cost of the beautiful Beeline number will be written off from your mobile account, so before buying you need to make the required amount to your balance.

When buying a beautiful Beeline number in the operator's office, you can pay its cost directly at the checkout.

How to buy a beautiful beeline number

Are there any restrictions on the purchase of a beautiful Beeline number?

When buying a beautiful room, Beeline on the site through the "Number to Choice" menu has limitations:

  • You can choose only the federal number (consists of 10 digits). To choose a beautiful room in the format of the city number, you need to contact the Beeline office
  • The service selection service is available through the site only to individuals who are the Beeline subscriber at least 1 month and are not connected to the corporate rate.

When buying a beautiful room in the Beeline office there are no restrictions.

What if the desired beautiful Beeline number is already busy?

Those who want to have a beautiful beeline number every day becomes more and more, and it can happen that the Beeline number you need is already busy. Try to call the owner of this room and negotiate.

To transmit the number from one client to another you need to come together to one of the Beeline network offices and sign the appropriate agreement on the transfer of a beautiful room in your name. Only after signing the official contract you will become the full owner of the new number.

Video. Beeline - We select the number

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