How to activate Sims MTS? 4 simple ways

Published by B. MTS / Useful advice
3 Jul 2016.

Bought a new MTS SIM card and do not know how to activate it? Our article will solve this problem.

At first glance, it may seem to activate the SIM card very easily and therefore it is not worth paying a lot of attention to this issue. But there are so many people who have a lot of difficulties. Such categories include persons with disabilities, people in old age, children, and just inattentive citizens. Therefore, it is worth talking in more detail about the existing ways of activating a new SIM card

It is worth saying that in any case the activation process will be similar, but sometimes he takes a little longer, as it is necessary to go somewhere, wait until the mail delivers the letter or just to work for a long time.

Method 1



This is the most reliable and easy to implement the method. When you acquire a SIM card in the MTS Salon, it might have asked the seller to immediately activate you sim card. This one may take a couple of minutes, as consultants are specially trained to conduct such manipulations and have enough experience to do it quickly.

Method 2

If you did not have the ability to activate Sims immediately when purchased, then use other ways. Contact your nearest MTS Salon. Be sure to take a SIM card and passport. In such a situation, activation will also be carried out quickly

Method 3.


This is probably the longest, but despite this is the most convenient way of activation. If the first two ways are not suitable for you, then send a written application with a request to activate the map and send it to the legal address of the nearest MTS office. Cost say that the speed of sending letters leaves much to be desired, so you can use the fax

Method 4.

You can activate the card through the contact center specialists. To do this dial the number 0890 + 0 or 8-800-333-0890 from any other apparatus

These are all the main ways to activate the new SIM card. Even if this information cannot be personally useful to you, then recommend it to people of your surroundings, for sure, there will be those who are experiencing difficulties with this operation

Video: How to activate the SIM card MTS?




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