Online store MegaFon: Warranty on the phone, tablet. MegaFon: How to hand over the phone under warranty?

Published by B. Megaphone / MegaFon services
December 29, 2016.

The article describes the terms of return of goods (gadget) under warranty in the MegaFon online store.

Find a quality mobile phone, tablet or smartphone at reasonable prices - this is the first thing that interests all lovers of gadgets. It is especially pleasant to order goods in a similar way in online stores, such as " Megaphone».


Online store MegaFon: Warranty on the phone, tablet. MegaFon: How to hand over the phone under warranty?

But what to do if the acquired smartphone or tablet will not be in suitable condition. Will we be able to return in the same online store " Megaphone»Branded goods back? Are there any deliberate agreements between the buyer and the seller? Let's talk about it in our review.

How to return the phone (tablet, smartphone) in the online store "MegaFon" under warranty?


Online store MegaFon: Warranty on the phone, tablet. MegaFon: How to hand over the phone under warranty?

On any product entering the market, a warranty is established. According to this warranty, we can return the goods to the seller, if this product does not meet the requirements that were specified during the sale. Such requirements may be different, and the warranty itself is issued to those or another time limits. Everything is clear with that.

It is also worth noting that any goods sold in the Russian Federation by any store and the seller falls under the Russian law " On Consumer Protection" That is, not the store establishes such rules, but state institutions.

Therefore, when buying, for example, a tablet in the online store " Megaphone"We can always refer to the above law. It is also indicated on the website of the online store " Megaphone"On a given link. Read this more.

According to Article 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation " On Consumer Protection"The consumer has the right to return (or exchange) within two weeks (14 days) a product that is inappropriate to its requirements.


Online store MegaFon: Warranty on the phone, tablet. MegaFon: How to hand over the phone under warranty?

But in this law there are specific instructions on the goods that are not subject to such an exchange or return when they are fully working. Unfortunately, these goods include phones.

Technically, the serviceable phone cannot be returned (or exchange) in any store, since these devices are technically complex (wireless equipment; Touchscreen devices; devices with several functions).

In general, to hand over or exchange a suitable tablet or telephone in the online store is not possible.

It is completely different with defective, faulty or poor-quality phones. In this case, we can take those or steps associated with the return or exchange.

For fifteen days from the date of purchase of the phone, tablet (and so on) inadequate quality We have the right to return or exchange this product in the online store " Megaphone"(As well as in any other store), even if any drawback is found in it.


Online store MegaFon: Warranty on the phone, tablet. MegaFon: How to hand over the phone under warranty?

In law " On Consumer Protection"(Art. 18) indicated:

  • The buyer has the right to get back money for a faulty mobile phone (smartphone, etc.).
  • The buyer can exchange a defective phone (tablet, etc.) to another product
  • The buyer has the right to demand free repair of a faulty mobile device.
  • The buyer may require to reduce the price of the phone, tablet, smartphone with certain faults.

All the above steps, we will remind you can be implemented within 15 days. Now let's talk, what specific faults should be that we can exchange or return the defective gadget in the online store " Megaphone»:

  • Telephone, tablet, smartphone (and other technical complex mobile device) must have a significant disadvantage.
  • The time has been exceeded allocated for warranty repair.
  • Mobile device every year under warranty was in repair more than one month.

Online store MegaFon: Warranty on the phone, tablet. MegaFon: How to hand over the phone under warranty?

In these cases, the buyer has the right to demand the return or exchange of the phone in the online store " Megaphone».

To start the return process or sharing the phone in the online store " Megaphone", The consumer needs to write a corresponding statement. This statement must be specified by the reasons why the consumer wishes to go to exchange or return the earned earlier goods. The application is presented to the seller (in this case, the online store " Megaphone»).

If the seller refuses to exchange or refund for a faulty mobile device, the consumer has the right to apply to the court.

Video: Return money for defective smartphones and tablets will now be easier


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  • I bought a tablet in the cabin MegaFon. It was defective. Requered to the salon they took to the diagnosis. After 17 days, a failure of warranty repair came. And the money did not return and the tablet did not change.

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