GPRS: how to connect, turn off on MTS?

Published by B. MTS / MTS services
Aug 23, 2016.

An article on how to connect the service "Mobile Internet" from MTS and its ability.

GPRS is a data transmission system using cellular stations that allows you to connect mobile devices to the Internet, use email to ultra-high speeds up to 171.2 kbps per second.


GPRS system

Computer networks that allow you to develop such a data transfer rate are called 3G and 4G.


3G network, this is the third level of high-tech communication, which ensures the transmission of information on the MTS operator network.



4G network

4G network, this is the fourth level of cellular communication and the speed of the Internet. On these networks, speed is developing up to 112 megabits per second. At such a speed there is a quality, high-speed downloading of films, programs, conferences - online and much more. All gadgets from the cell phone to the laptop support the 4G network.


4G network construction scheme

The MTS operator offers a convenient service called "Mobile Internet", which is supported by the GPRS system and the latest generation computer networks.

Service features

  • fast Internet connection
  • fast connection to television network
  • mMS - messages
  • internet access via mobile device
    To connect to the "Mobile Internet" service, you need to double-check your SIM card to be a USIM card, which is included in the 4G network. In another case, you can purchase a USIM card in the MTS operator salon, and for free.

Mobile Internet service from MTS on your cell phone

Technological support for service

The service supports the following types of services:

  • online online games
  • view movies and programs on the Internet
  • email access
  • access to social networks and web surfing

Virtual games, one of numerous opportunities, services »Mobile Internet»

Options for connecting service

  • through a personal account on MTS website
  • through the application on the same site

Connecting through your personal account

First option:

  • send SMS - Message to the room 1020, is free
  • we get information on the list of mobile Internet services
  • save the information received by services and settings on your phone.
  • choose a service that will be connected in automatic mode.

The second option for the MTS subscriber - Prepayment:

  • send SMS - Message to the room 1040001, is free
  • gPRS - Internet service enters the activity area

Third option for subscribers under the contract:

  • we make a call to the room 111, free, using the MTS network
  • connect the service "Internet - Assistant", with which, connect the phone to the Internet

Fourth option:

  • order a service of automatic settings through the operator's website

Configuring the Internet on the Cell Phone System Android

Connection through the application

Install the GPRS service from MTS can use the following applications:

  • in the App Store application
  • in Google Play.
  • in Windows Store.

Connecting the Internet through the Google Play application

All applications are free. Fee for connecting the service is made according to the current tariff

Options for disabling service

Disconnection options are completely similar to connection options.

Rates for Service Connection

  • enable / Disable Service - Free
  • monthly fee - free
  • the cost of data transfer over the Internet comes according to the tariff that you use the operator
    Cancel the world together with comfortable and fast service from MTS!

Video: How to connect the service "Mobile Internet" from MTS?

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