Beeline: how to contact the operator? Beeline Support Service Phone Number: Hotline

Published by B. Beeline / Beeline services
Aug 27, 2016.

The article describes how to contact the Beeline mobile operator.

A large number of cellular users are often set by those or other issues that are not able to solve themselves in natural reasons.

In order for subscribers to receive all the information you need, mobile operators, including " Beeline"Provide the opportunity to contact service centers for consultations. In this review we will discuss several possible options for communication with consultants from the company " Beeline».

There are three main options to contact " Beeline»:

  1. By phone
  2. Through the site
  3. By email

Communication with consultants from Beeline on the phone


How to call the Beeline operator?

In order to contact consultants Biline", You need:

  • Call number - 0611

After the call to this number you will be connected to the answering machine, which will give all further instructions. It will be necessary to push the button in particular 0»On your mobile phone several times after each voice message. After some time (it can take up to five or more) you will be connected with the consultant of the company.

Long expectation is due to the fact that consultants " Biline»Can be engaged in communication with other clients, therefore it is not worth putting the phone if they do not respond for some time. But still, if you do not want to wait for a response, holding a mobile phone at the ear, " Beeline»Provide a special service -" We will call you back».

To do this, you need to call again by number 0611 And after answering the answering machine to click on " 0»Twice with an interval in two seconds between them. Consultant " Biline"He will call you through time.

In the absence of a SIM card from " Beeline"You can call your hands on the following numbers:

  • 88007000611
  • 88007008000 (on mobile Internet issues)

The call according to the numbers is free, and the company's employees respond to calls faster than the short number indicated above. Consultants work around the clock without days off. Get through to a specific office " Beeline"It is not possible, as well as direct communication with the consultants of the company without the" mediation "of the answering machine.

In addition to calls for all these numbers from subscribers " Beeline»It is possible to send SMS messages with questions of interest to all the same short number 0611. After that, the company's employees will answer all questions.

Communication with the "Beeline" operator via the Internet

Contact consultants from " Biline»You can also with the official website of the company. For this you need:

  1. Go on the website " Biline»
  2. Click on the " Ask a Question"(Above right)
  3. Next click on " Chat with a specialist"(Left)
  4. Next will open a window in which you can state all your stabed questions. In addition, you should enter your number " Biline", Name and Capture (Special Check Code)

How to contact the Beeline operator?

As a result, you just need to wait when a specialist from the company will answer you. It can be discussed with him (by correspondence) its problem more. If you need to talk to the phone consultant, it will be necessary to click on the window specified above. Feedback"(Above item" Chat with a specialist"), Then specify your number and ask a question. You will call back to this number.

Communication with consultants from Beeline via email

If you do not rush anywhere and you can wait a response from the operator " Beeline"During a couple of days, then you will most easily direct your question by email:

Beeline in social networks

Contact the Beeline operator can also be through the social network. At the Nucleic Site Beeline, contacts of social networks are presented (in the photo below).

To do this, log in to the site Beeline here, go down on the page down and click the button of the desired social network.

Beeline in social networks

Video: How to call the Beeline operator?

comments 8. Add a comment

  • you recommend calling № 0611 called many times the operator of the tele-2 or they are sitting on your tail, or you have them At the end they said wait for 10 minutes. I waited and 10 and 20, two times half an hour I waited for the connection. And you have a conversation about 2.5 minutes (((

  • shit service. It is impossible to call the operator. Turn and hide from questions.

  • In general, the most dull connection in the world, to these fucking operators, the hell will call, if I need to learn about the tariff plan and other services will come to your personal account, for Khrena, the brain can eat. In general, I will change the connection, I thought a megaphone stupid, and here it turns out still dumber, there at least to the operator can be reached. Complaints on them to roll. Shuttry

  • The disgusting customer support service is not connected with the operator, this is with such competition in the cellular operator market. For many years I used your services, and now I want to send you far and for a long time that now I will do

  • The most appreciated service is very bad, drove into debt more than 3000t.r. No one can explain from where such numbers

  • hello everyone, I also connected to extend the speed of money did not write down, but it was written that the service will connect tomorrow and tomorrow I have a sentenent fee. Discharges What to do, before the connection was better right now shit I will change the operator yet

  • Submitted SMS that a negative balance. I replenished the bill for 200 rubles, and then decided to find out how much money do I have on the phone? It turned out to be 800r. I did not go in minus. I use the room only to communicate with the bank to get SMS passwords, never call it and I do not answer. 3 weeks passed - now the balance is 250 rubles. Where did the money go to whose bottomless pocket? Before the operator, I used all the tips from subscribers for 3 hours. Dustly, as in the tank, the tips did not work. Goodbye Beeline, separation will be without sorrow ....

  • Problem with SMS settings

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